Bye Sweet Carole is a chilling narrative-horror game inspired by classic animation movies and created by Chris Darril (Remothered series). Follow the last known whereabouts of Carole Simmons to uncover the dark truth behind the Bunny Hall orphanage.
Set in the early 1900s, in an age where the women's suffrage movement has begun to shake the British nation, young Lana Benton must follow the last known trail of Carole Simmons to find her best friend and uncover the dark truth behind the Bunny Hall orphanage.
As Lana dives further into the enigma, she will find herself poised between the real world and the fantastic kingdom of Corolla that, under the cruel influence of the terrifying Mr.Kyn, the insensitive owl Velenia, and the ravenous colonies of tar rabbits, is perishing.
Embark on a horrific journey through a dark tale set in the austere Bunny Hall and the mesmerizing world of Corolla.
Immerse yourself in a hand-drawn universe brought to life using cinematographic techniques inspired by the greatest animated movies.
Shape-shift into a rabbit and harness your various forms to conquer the deadly challenges that await you.
Encounter a vibrant cast of characters, from your loyal friend Mr. Baesie to the malevolent owl Velenia and the terrifying Mr. Kyn.
Click each character to reveal more information.
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